Mission and Vision

The Hub - The Catalyst

Mission and Vision

We aim to integrate technology and education with Christian values, driving innovative projects aligned with our faith-driven principles. We envision The Catalyst at Belhaven University as a crucible of innovation, exploring entrepreneurship's endless possibilities through collaboration with researchers, entrepreneurs, and businesses.

Core Pillars

  • EdTech: Statistically improve educational outcomes.
  • Supplier Diversity: Services to local, national, and international businesses.
  • Arts: Eliminate the "starving artist" syndrome.
  • Sustainability: Implement zero waste initiatives.
  • Micro-Credentialing: Certifications appropriate for students

Value Proposition

For Students:
- Paid intrapreneurial experience
- Relevant work experience
- Administrative structure
- Entrepreneurial support and mentoring

For Belhaven:
- Reliable revenue stream
- Community goodwill
- Industry-leading program
- Showcase for alumni

For Investors:
- Right of first refusal on top students and developed technology
- Priority for star students
- Access and joint ownership of IP

For Companies:
- Workforce-ready employees
- Goodwill marketing
- Pipeline for growth
- Opportunity to influence future curriculums

 Business Acceleration | Workforce Readiness | Stackable Micro-credentials